Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Wirral Wander

Thought I'd have a look at the Wirral coast, the only time I'd been before was with the 'Birding and Beyond' trip to Hilbe Island.
I went specifically to look for Leach's Petrel, and did some internet research as to the best spots.
High tide was about 1.30pm and there was a strong NW wind blowing, good omens for Leach's.
I thought the best idea would be to head for New Brighton, so I took the old Birkenhead tunnel, I never remember it being so twisty !! The new one is much straighter.

Anyway I found Perch Rock in New Brighton and drove down the prom. towards the Wirral Countyside Park at the far end. Didn't encounter many birds though !!

I found Gun Sights Car Park, apparently one of the premier sites for Leach's on the Wirral.
There were a few birders there already peering at the foaming brown Irish Sea. But very few birds were obvious, just the occassional Gull and a small Cormorant roost on top of a breakwater marker.
Eventually a flock of Oystercatchers landed on the beach, a small wader with them was, I think, a redshank, but it didn't hang around for me to be positive.
After half an hour staring at the foam, I did get one Leach's halfway out to the horizon, a tick, but not a very convincing view, just a flash of it's white rump against a dark grey body, shearing between the wave crests. The chap next to me couldn't get on to even that. According to the internet when I got home 20+ had been past, but not whilst I was there !!! Typical !!!

I carried on to Hoylake, stopped first at Dovepoint, nothing there except a toilet, very useful though !!
Continuing up the promenade, I was looking for King's Gap, not realising it was 'one way' until I noticed all the parked cars were facing to other way !!! Luckily I'd only gone about 50 yards, quick 'u' turn !!!!
So I had to go through the centre of Hoylake to find the other end of the prom. How peculiar !!
King's Gap was awash with waders right next to the prom. as the tide was now up. Big flocks of Knot, Dunlin ans Sanderling, all in their various plumage patterns, interesting to pick them out. A few Bar Tailed Godwit were mixed into the Grey Plover flock and Ringed Plover were plentiful.
A flock of Oystcatcher huddling together on the edge of the water had some Sandwich Terns in it.
Shelduck mixed with the Gulls floating just off the beach, Lesser Black Back, Black Headed, Common and Herring Gulls were the ones I managed to identify. No Skuas though that I could find.

I thought I'd have a look at West Kirby marina for Geese, but it was inundated by the sea and the waves were crashing over the prom. So I called it a day, thought of trying Gun Sight again on the way home, but got on the wrong road and ended up at the new tunnel before I noticed.

Called in at Crosby Lifeboat one the way past, just in case there were any Leach's there, but nothing except the odd Cormorant, Lesser Black Back, and thousands of Starlings.

A frustrating day in some ways, but now I know where to go next time.

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