I took a day out at Leighton Moss RSPB reserve yesterday as it had at last stopped raining.
Having spent the usual hour getting through Preston in the morning, I got there at about 9.45am, a bit later than I'd anticipated, and subsequently I missed the Beared Tits, although they aren't regular on the grit trays at this time of year.
Having spent the usual hour getting through Preston in the morning, I got there at about 9.45am, a bit later than I'd anticipated, and subsequently I missed the Beared Tits, although they aren't regular on the grit trays at this time of year.
This little chap perched on a twig right next to me while I waited.
There were alot of Robins down the causeway, in fact as you looked down it, you could see them on the path about every 20 yards, at least 4 or5.
I decided to head for Lower Hide, pausing on the way at Public, who knows, maybe the Otter's about ??
There were hundreds of Coot, (somebody reported 550 !!), Mute Swan, Gadwall, Teal and on the island Cormorant, Mallard and Black Headed Gull, but no Otter, it had apparently been seen earlier. The closest I got were the spraints on the bridge in the ususal place.
As I got to the turn for Lower, a Cetti's Warbler was sounding very loudly from the right side of the path, but it didn't show itself in the 10 minutes I gave it.
Through the gate and into the woods, a flock of Siskin, about 30, were in the tops of the beech trees feeding on the seeds. I watched them for about 15 minutes and picked out a much paler grey bird, which I told myself was a Redpoll, although I didn't see it's red forehead. I had it confirmed a bit later by a fellow birder.
From Lower Hide I got 2 Marsh Harriers, one an obvious male, and the other darker bird I think a juvenile. A Bittern flew from one stand of reeds, across the lake, into another stand and disappeared, as they do, but nice to register a tick. Plenty of Teal, Tufted Duck and Mallards here as well.
Next stop, the car park for lunch and a look at the feeders. Chaffinch, Bullfinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Dunnock, Great Tit, Coal Tit and Blue Tit, all present along with Pheasants. But no Marsh Tits, so I wandered down to the seeded tree stump.
Marsh Tit, Treecreeper, Blue Tit and Great Tit were there, but no Nuthatch today.
So now down to the salt marsh for a few waders and a look at the newly installed hides.
They are very GLASS !!!
I guess they'll be a bit warm in the summer if we get one !!!
There weren't many waders on show for some reason, maybe they're nerveous of the new hides,Curlew, Redshank, Spotted Redshank, Snipe, a big flock of Lapwing contained one Golden Plover.
There were plenty of Greylag about as well as Little Egret, but I could only find one Pink Foot and a white Greylag, which must be a farmyard bird ?? Ducks included Pintail, Wigeon, Shoveller and Shelduck along with the Teal. A couple of Red Breasted Merganser were in the middle of the water, whilst a Goosander competed in the shallows, for small fish, with a Little Egret.
No Kingfisher today, and I had to listen to tales of how half an hour ago there had been a big dog Otter outside the hide !!!
55 species for the day, dipped on Nuthatch, Beardy, and Kingfisher, although I was please to get Bittern and Redpoll. Not a bad day and I didn't get wet, which was good for this year.
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